Malindi, KENYA

14th - 17th October 2021


“Stages of Relationship Building”

Throughout our time in Malindi we will explore the four key stages of relationship building through a series of guided activities. In bigger and in smaller groups we will journey together to get to know and understand one another, build trust and foster collaboration.




Discovery and validation of who we are. Be prepared to laugh and enjoy time with one another through a sequence of guided group activities, creating a deeper level of connection and establishing the base for our program over the following days.


Repeated Interaction


Inventory and alignment of individual offerings, talents and interests – our program today guides us through finding similarities and shared interests within our group, where we contribute as individuals.


Doing hard things requires courage; courage comes from the heart. This evening we’ll share stories that shape our purpose and energise our work.


Trust & Collaboration

We are joined today by a select group of young leaders from within our community, creating a space for new voices to contribute to problem solving in the spirit of building the next generation of leaders.

Part 1

Leaning into one another with intention and expectation.
Creating trust requires us to be open and honest, in opportunity as well as when facing problems or disagreement, closing our activity by working through personal or business dilemma followed by a reflection.

Part 2

Questions that re-frame and renew our ability to explore opportunity. As part of our afternoon program we focus on “Disciplined Inquiry” a group process for working through tough dilemmas.


CelebrationThe Room in action!

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Our Founder

I believe that those of us who are privileged enough to be educated, healthy, and part of powerful networks should not be doing easy things. The only way to justify our privilege is to do the hard things that society demands of us — to solve tough problems and create opportunities for others. I launched The Room to bring the most ambitious ‘doers’ together to do these hard things that will change the world. I welcome you to be a part of our story and join this global community as we make history together.

Fred Swaniker

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