The Dilemmas of  Ethical Leadership

Brook Horowitz

75 minutes with Q&A


February 18, 2021


16:00 PM GMT



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About the TOPIC

How leaders can resolve ethical questions with integrity

Underpinning this talk is the notion that “leadership” and “integrity” go hand-in-hand. There are many definitions of leadership, but most of them boil down to that of an individual inspiring others to follow him or her in implementing a set of ideas or activities. Within the concept of “inspiration” are creativity, empowerment, engagement, fairness, social benefit, higher purpose, transformative change, moral and ethical values…in short, integrity.

Leaders often have to manage businesses in a world stifled by regulations which can overwhelm entrepreneurship with red tape and corruption. It is an unlevel playing field in which even the best intentioned companies may encounter uncompetitive practices.

During this masterclass, our guest speaker, Brook Horowitz, will discuss the critical moral dilemmas which are faced by business leaders at one time or another in their professional careers. Referring to his own and others’ experience in some of the most challenging markets of the world, Brook will present the key principles​of doing business with integrity: how we behave towards, and interact with, colleagues, customers, shareholders, regulators and the broader society in which our companies operate. His insights will have important implications for business executives who want to work and lead with integrity.

This event is an introduction to Brook’s forthcoming masterclass series on “Leading with Integrity” which will be held over 4 weeks starting 4th March. For further information about the series, click here.


Brook Horowitz

Brook Horowitz is CEO of IBLF Global and Business Integrity Advisor to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in ASEAN.

A graduate of Cambridge University and a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard, he was part of the team that led GE’s expansion in Eastern Europe during the nineties, living and working in Moscow and Budapest. In 2004 he joined the International Business Leaders Forum, a Prince of Wales charity devoted to promoting corporate sustainability in emerging and developing markets.

In 2014, he co-founded IBLF Global, an NGO promoting responsible business through collective action. From 2013-2015, he played a variety of leadership roles in the B20, a multi-stakeholder dialogue between the companies and governments of the G20 countries. Currently, he is advising UNDP on the creation of a new business integrity Hub in ASEAN.

He has written several policy and strategy papers for governments and companies and is the author of opinion pieces in the Financial Times, the New York Times, and other publications. He is the co-author of three business integrity toolkits, and has lectured and provided training on business integrity for companies and governments in Europe and Asia.

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